what we do
we are a seasonal AfroIndigenous farm and land based healing and education center that provides commUNITY reciprocity for the healing, affirming, and liberation of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and the allies who ride with us.
every year from june-october we offer on-farm programs, workshops, gatherings, events, ritual, ceremony, and offerings to support our people in reclaiming access to their cultural, traditional and ancestral legacies.
SUSU commUNITY Farm is a 37 acre afroindigenous farm located along the Wantastegok (west river) in so called newfane, vt. we live and work in relationship with land as mother, caregiver, elder and teacher.
we learn from and center tek (traditional ecological knowledge) as our guide in reclaiming access to our cultural and spiritual gardening traditions and practices to co-create beautiful gardens, spaces, and places for people of the global majority to thrive with human and non human kin.
the center of our farm is a beautiful garden designed to represent the dagara medicine wheel, here you will find our sacred circular garden divided into quadrants with plant kin honoring the directions of water, fire, mineral, nature, and earth. beyond the medicine wheel are beautiful spaces that hold ceremony, and ritual, sacred waterways, a baby fruit and nut tree orchard, and native medicinals creating a nourishing container around the land. In reciprocal relationship with earth, we are able to offer over 11,000 pounds of produce annually for our 40-60 global majority CSA families per year through our box of resilience program.
our land consists of prime ag sandy loam soils and is surrounded by a variety of wetlands, native pollinators, grandmother maple trees, hemlock trees, sycamore’s, Japanese knotweed, wild raspberries, mulberries, elderberries, bee balm, poke, nettles, and other sacred medicinals. the river that runs along SUSU lands is honored in the summer through ritual, ceremony, prayer, and is a space of sacred spiritual bath for our commUNITY gatherings and programs through the trauma conscious school of liberation. we currently have a heated hoop house and various tents to offer onsite programming during the growing season for youth, families, and adults along with secluded but close to commUNITY campsites for onsite programming.
we are currently in the process of building a closed loop sustainable farming system to mimic the reciprocal relationships that the land is teaching us about. we engage in regular ceremony and rituals to honor, listen to, and be in right relationship with the land, and non human kin of these lands, and we invite you to join us in this practice.
the farm
box of resilience: csa
a 20 week csa program for people of the global majority and their families centering culturally relevant african diasporic fruits, veggies, herbal remedies, and beautiful items from local and small businesses.
a lovingly curated collection of small batch spiritual, magical and medicinal herbal products formulated with intention and crafted at the speed of trust. this seasonal rotation of signature products reflects both the rhythmic biodiversity of the lands we tend and the traditional wisdom and creativity of our Afroindigeous ancestors.
food as medicine
in person and virtual classes to support people in developing a relationship with our traditional foodways. through this program participants gain crucial skills to preserve culturally important traditions and practices for working with food as a source of wellbeing.
programs and events
through online and in person engagement we provide a variety of programming to intentionally build healthy and thriving multigenerational commUNITY.
the basis and purpose behind all of our programs is a deep and undying love for Black people. we believe that no one is free, until Black people are free. we believe that liberation for Black people requires collective movements of people from all different backgrounds and life experiences coming together with a shared vision for a future for Black people that centers safety, joy, love, rest, generational wealth and abundance. though we offer many multiracial spaces and programs, they are always Black centered.
our programming is embodied, connected to land and place, commUNITY centered, and trauma conscious. It is designed to:
create space for Black people to reclaim access to our cultural and spiritual traditions and lineages, move through trauma, and reconnect to ancestral wisdom and collectivism
step back and allow youth to lead- we provide space for youth centered and curated programming for and by youth to support them in bringing their visions for SUSU in ways that benefit them, to life
support white folx in understanding the ways that the cultural traumas of white bodied supremacy impact their ability to be in bodies, be with bodies, and to participate in liberation work. to move through this trauma in such a way that we can begin the process of cultural repair and liberation to benefit the whole
support people in reclaiming access to their traditional food and lifeways through food as medicine classes and food sovereignty education
we offer a variety of interactive and embodied workshops and programs to connect people back to the inherent wisdom held deep within their bones and ancestral memory. these offerings provide a strong mycelial root system to our bodies to support us in building healthy thriving and liberated communities
sound healing
sankofa; an elder speaks
seeds of our ancestors
unbodying supremacy, weaving connection
commUNITY room
BIPOC camp days
we vision a world where youth are centered, cared for, uplifted, and supported. where their visions and dreams for the future are respected, and where they can pave the way for the generations to come. through youth to liberation pipeline we are supporting youth in our commUNITY in building a space at SUSU that centers their dreams, visions, and ideas for a possible future
participatory action research
pop up adventure play
SUSU is currently working with olivia mcneal to lead a participatory action research based process centering youth voices, visions, and dreams for a liberated future. through this collaboration we are connecting with youth in the vermont commUNITY to support them in dreaming and visioning into existence a space at SUSU that centers their needs, wants, and ideas.
if you are a young person interested in collaborating with us on building the youth to liberation pipeline please feel free to email us at info@susucommunityfarm.org
embodied and interactive tours of the farm that connect participants with earth, spirit, and plant kin
trauma conscious school of liberation
we offer a variety of interactive and embodied workshops and programs to connect people back to the inherent wisdom held deep within their bones and ancestral memory. these offerings provide a strong mycelial root system to our bodies to support us in building healthy thriving and liberated communities
sound healing
sankofa; an elder speaks
seeds of our ancestors
unbodying supremacy, weaving connection
commUNITY room
BIPOC camp days
youth to liberation pipeline
we vision a world where youth are centered, cared for, uplifted, and supported. where their visions and dreams for the future are respected, and where they can pave the way for the generations to come. through youth to liberation pipeline we are supporting youth in our commUNITY in building a space at SUSU that centers their dreams, visions, and ideas for a possible future
participatory action research
pop up adventure play
SUSU is currently working with olivia mcneal to lead a participatory action research based process centering youth voices, visions, and dreams for a liberated future. through this collaboration we are connecting with youth in the vermont commUNITY to support them in dreaming and visioning into existence a space at SUSU that centers their needs, wants, and ideas.
if you are a young person interested in collaborating with us on building the youth to liberation pipeline please feel free to email us at info@susucommunityfarm.org
plant walks / guided farm tours
embodied and interactive tours of the farm that connect participants with earth, spirit, and plant kin